gene lebell
Web Site
Style: Judo
Born 10/09/1932 (Age 92)

Click on the scan to enlarge the cover

Cover onlyCover / Articles

March 1964

Black Belt

Vol 2, Num 2

Gene LeBell

03/64 Black Belt

August 1971

Black Belt

Vol 9, Num 8

Gene LeBell & Freddie Blassie

08/71 Black Belt

January 2000

Black Belt

Vol 38, Num 1

Gene LeBell & Armando Guerrero

01/00 Black Belt

July 2004


Num 2

Gene LeBell & Jennifer Korbin & Nir Maman

07/04 Bodyguard

February 1988

Inside Karate

Vol 9, Num 2

Gene LeBell

02/88 Inside Karate

May 1979

Inside Kung Fu

Vol 5, Num 5

Gene LeBell

05/79 Inside Kung Fu

August 1996

Inside Kung Fu

Vol 23, Num 8

Bruce Lee & Gene LeBell

08/96 Inside Kung Fu

June 2005

MA Success

Vol 5, Num 6

Gene LeBell

06/05 MA Success

Magazines for sale are original and complete (unless otherwise noted).

Disclaimer: The scans of the magazine covers may not be the ones for sale.