chito ryu
Famous practitioners of Chito Ryu: Philip Gelinas

Click on the scan to enlarge the cover

Cover onlyCover / Articles

June 1974

Fighting Arts

Vol 2, Num 1

Pentjak Silat

06/74 Fighting Arts

October 1983

Karate Illustrated

Vol 14, Num 10

Toyotaro Miyazaki

10/83 Karate Illustrated

August 1992

Karate Profiles

Vol 2, Num 8

Roland Figgs

08/92 Karate Profiles

July 1991

Traditional Karate

Vol 4, Num 11

European Club

07/91 Traditional Karate

June 2002

Traditional Karate

Vol 15, Num 10

06/02 Traditional Karate

Magazines for sale are original and complete (unless otherwise noted).

Disclaimer: The scans of the magazine covers may not be the ones for sale.