anthony chan

Click on the scan to enlarge the cover

Cover onlyCover / Articles

July 1984

Black Belt

Vol 22, Num 7

Anthony Chan & Josie Candolita & Josephine Mazion & Susan Quock

07/84 Black Belt


Black Belt Yearbook

Vol 19, Num 1

Stephen Hayes

1980 Black Belt Yearbook

December 1980

Inside Kung Fu

Vol 6, Num 12

Anthony Chan

12/80 Inside Kung Fu

January 1984

Inside Kung Fu Yearbook

Vol 11, Num 1

Tadashi Yamashita & Eric Lee

01/84 Inside Kung Fu Yearbook


International Martial Arts Exhibition


1979 International Martial Arts Exhibition

October 1980

Karate Illustrated

Vol 11, Num 10

George Chung & Ernie Reyes Sr.

10/80 Karate Illustrated

October 1982

Karate Illustrated

Vol 13, Num 10

Anthony Chan

10/82 Karate Illustrated


Karate Illustrated Yearbook

Vol 1, Num 1

George Chung

1980 Karate Illustrated Yearbook


Karate Illustrated Yearbook

Vol 14

Ray McCallum & Steve Anderson & John Chung & Karen Sheperd & Anthony Chan

1983 Karate Illustrated Yearbook

September 1981

Karate Monthly

Vol 1, Num 1

Anthony Chan

09/81 Karate Monthly

August 1977

Official Karate

Vol 9, Num 70


08/77 Official Karate


West Coast Nationals Program


1981 West Coast Nationals Program

Magazines for sale are original and complete (unless otherwise noted).

Disclaimer: The scans of the magazine covers may not be the ones for sale.